April Gornik

Tropical Wilderness, 1987 Oil on linen 76 x 100 inches

Tropical Wilderness, 1987
Oil on linen
76 x 100 inches

Artist Quotes:

“I am an artist that values, above all, the ability of art to move me emotionally and psychically. I make art that makes me question, that derives its power from being vulnerable to interpretation, that is intuitive, that is beautiful.“ Artist statement, http://www.aprilgornik.com

“Landscape is a very abstract genre.” Bomb Magazine, Sally Gall and April Gornik, 1993

“Landscape is essentially metaphorical. It lends itself to abstraction.” Bomb Magazine, Sally Gall and April Gornik, 1993

“My selection of imagery often has to do with a dynamic tension.” Stay Thirsty Media Interview, Eliot Fearey, 2008

Additional Links:

Interview with April Gornik in Bomb Magazine with a photographer discussing the genre of landscape and the media of painting vs. photography.

Interview with Robert Ayers of ART INFO, Heckscher Museum, 2005 regarding her use of photography and painting. Gornik explains her artistic process.

Video excerpt from ART/New York program “April Gornik Landscapes” explaining her work and artistic process.

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