Penelope Umbrico

Sunset Portraits from 13,243,857 Sunset Pictures on Flickr 10/08/13, 2013 Machine C-prints 4 x 6 in.

Sunset Portraits from 13,243,857 Sunset Pictures on Flickr 10/08/13, 2013
Machine C-prints
4 x 6 in.

Artist Quotes:

 “Pictures are not still anymore…they’re constantly moving and forever changing.” Art in America, “Exchanges: Photography Now”, March 2012

Additional Links:

 An excerpt from the article “A Documentary Practice…of Sorts” July-August 2013

Artist interview with Mark Alice Durant that discusses Umbrico’s different photographic methods and her efforts to recontextualize dull imagery and transform it in a way that conveys human emotion in a digital age.

“Digital Photo Culture Makes Way into Art World”, Wall Street Journal, December 12, 2013.  Ellen Gamerman looks at how the explosion in digital images is having an outsized impact on the art world and specifically in Umbrico’s work.

How Our Camera-Phone Nation is Inspiring Artists, Wall Street Journal, Ellen Gamerman, December 12, 2013. Gamerman discusses the impact of camera phones and the definition of photographer.

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